Baardmankruik 17

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Baardmankruik 17

This unique Bellarmine jug dates from the 17th century and originates from the area of Cologne, Germany. The neck of the jug is decorated with the depiction of a bearded man. The belly of the jug bears a significant coat of arms of city Amsterdam. The jug was likely made especially for the Dutch market.

This kind of stoneware products as jugs, bottles, and pitchers had been initially made in Cologne. They were usually baked in temperature above 1200°C. A significant supply of the material which was used for the execution of this type of jugs still can be found in the area of the Rhine or Meuse river. This type of stoneware objects was very common in the 16th and 17th century in The Netherlands.

Height: ca. 25 cm (ca. 10 in.) Circuit: ca. 53 cm (ca. 21 in.)

Source: C. van Hees, Baardmannen en puntneuzen. Vorm, gebruik en betekenis van gezichtskruiken 1500-1700, Zwolle 2002

Additional Information

Item number BA.01.017
Country Netherlands
Baardmankruik 17Baardmankruik 17
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