Butter dish

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  1. Description
  2. Specifications
Butter dish

This unique and finely made Delftware butter dish dates from the 18th century and originates from Delft.

The butter dish was made in the so-called 'petit feu' technique, which means that some on the basic colors such as blue, green, and yellow were fired as first and then the red and gold were fired subsequently later at a lower temperature.

This artwork is decorated with a variety of patterns and scenes. The side lines of the dish are contoured with iron-red color. Both, the lid and the sides of the dish are decorated with a very primitive, yet neatly painted landscape. The decoration painted on the lid is captured in the golden cartouche what makes this ornamentation complete. The same golden pattern, however in smaller form appears on the sides. The handle of the lid is captured by two mysterious-looking, painted eyes.

Height: ca. 7 cm (ca. 3 in.)

Diameter: ca. 11,5 cm (ca. 5 in.)

Additional Information

Item number UD.01.002
Country Netherlands
Butter dishButter dish
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