The polychrome figurine of a female servant

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  1. Description
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The polychrome figurine of a female servant

This figurine dates from the 18th century and originates from Delft, the Netherlands

During the 16th century Dutch initiative in international exploration and trade developed rapidly. Around 1600 at the beginning of the Dutch colonial empire - of which Dutch East Indies and the West Indies became the best know parts - Dutch regional and national authorities began to streamline and monopolize the trade by forming new trading companies.

The presence of black Africans - soldiers, musicians, dancers, and servants - in the Netherlands is evident from the 16th century on, hence the association of this figurine with colonialism and slavery is clear. The woman is wearing were colorful clothes. Every little detail of this little sculpture - from the details on her skirt to the painted contour of her eyes had been executed with exact precision.

Height: ca. 23,5 cm (ca. 9 in.)

The diameter of the platform: ca. 11 cm (ca. 4 in.)

Additional Information

Item number UD.01.005
Country Netherlands
The polychrome figurine of a female servantThe polychrome figurine of a female servant
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The polychrome figurine of a female servant-01 The polychrome figurine of a female servant-01 The polychrome figurine of a female servant-01 The polychrome figurine of a female servant-01 The polychrome figurine of a female servant-01 The polychrome figurine of a female servant-01 The polychrome figurine of a female servant-01 The polychrome figurine of a female servant-01 The polychrome figurine of a female servant-01 The polychrome figurine of a female servant-01 The polychrome figurine of a female servant-01