Raeren kruik 02

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Raeren kruik 02

In the second half of the 16th century, the Raeren potters developed a revolutionary technical form variant. This form displayed from the bottom up a foot, a cylindrical middle part, a shoulder, and a neck. The cylindrical middle part allowed the potters to put friezes on the jugs instead of the previously used coat of arms and medallions. These friezes told whole stories in the style of today's comics with the help of pictures and text.

This finely crafted jug dates from 1597 what have been marked in the oval framing with the text. The framing is surrounding an Armorial of the House of Nassau.

Height: ca. 17 cm (ca. 7 in.) Circuit: ca. 42 cm (ca. 17 in.)

Source: https://www.toepfereimuseum.org/ (online: 14.05.2020)

Additional Information

Item number RA.01.002
Country Netherlands
Raeren kruik 02Raeren kruik 02
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