Savona tulpenvaas

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  1. Description
  2. Specifications
Majolica tulip vase, painted in blue, 1680-1720, Savona, Italy, signed “23”, high 49 cm. Flower vase consisting of 3 layers with spouts. Decorated with various scenes of Roman warriors in a landscape, cherubs on top and leaves are paited around the foot. The bottom is marked with the number “23” and a not clearly readable mark. Possibly a crown. The Savona district in Italy is of very high importance in the field of ceramics and majolica production. Savona pottery is famous above all for its characteristic blue and white colors, known as "Antique Savona". In the 17th century Albisola (small town in Savona province) could boast some of the best majolica production in Europe, with the most widely made decorative pottery being the calligraphic-naturalistic Antique Savona, or blue and white style. The 17th century is perhaps the period of its greatest splendour. Thanks to the work of the painter Giovanni Antonio Guidobono, the famous "Antique Savona" decoration gained popularity, putting Albisola and Savona at the forefront of Italian production, and the famous blue/turquoise colouring was in demand throughout Italy and Europe.

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Item number v.06.0001
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Savona tulpenvaasSavona tulpenvaas
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