Tulip Vase Flowers Poceleyne Fles

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Though the tulip nowadays is seen as 'typical Dutch', it is in fact an Asian product. Persians and Turks cultivated the bulbs and it was not before 1560 that they were gradually introduced in Western Europe. They found their way to gardens of scholars, bankers and courtiers through diplomats and merchants. Late sixteenth century the tulip became increasingly popular in The Netherlands and turned into a frequently demanded product, often used for decoration. Trade and speculation followed, which finally reached a climax in the so called ?tulip fever?. The unique and expensive tulip bulbs were placed in even so extraordinary and costly special Delft blue vases ? tulip vases, characterized by the various cylindrical openings to put the flowers in. The popularity of the vases with spouts reached its high-days towards the end of the 17th century. The vases were then produced in all sizes and styles and all were very much in vogue, even with the royals witness the fact that William and Mary, then rulers of both Britain and The Netherlands, ordered the production of four pyramid-shaped flower holders.


The ‘Koninklijke Porceleyne Fles’ is the only remaining factory of the 32 earthenware factories that were established in Delft during the 17th century. It is known for its high quality Delftware. It has been active for more than 350 years, without interruption.

Delft blue became populair in The Netherlands in the early 17th century when the VOC (the Dutch East India Company) introduced the blue painted porcelain from China. For ‘De Porceleyne Fles’, it all started in 1653 when David Anthonisz van der Pieth transformed his house into an earthenware factory. In 1695 the ‘De Porceleyne Fles’ already had 32 competitors. Delft blue was booming business. This was caused by the high demand for the product. However, another important reason was the Chinese civil war between 1640 and 1670, which decreased the import of porcelain dramatically. The Delft pottery makers cleverly took advantage of the situation and filled the gap with their Delft ware. They improved the products as well in this period, which made their position even stronger.

Though, the industry did not remain as booming as in the 17th century. In 1840 ‘De Porceleyne Fles’ was the last factory standing. Competition from the English creamware, such as Wedgwood, caused a decrease in demand of Delftware. As well as the upcoming European porcelain industry and a lack of innovation amongst the Delft potters. In 1876 Joost Thooft bought the factory with the aim to revive the production of Delft Blue. He was very interested in Delft Blue and made the factory as flourishing as in the 17th century again. Thooft worked together with important designers and paiters, such as Leon Senf, who worked for the factory from 1878 until 1930. In the 17th century, ‘De Porceleyne Fles’ had several factories all over Delft. However, this was very inconvenient and in 1916 all the activities were centralised at one location. In 1919, the company was awarded the ‘Royal’ in its name, which is a sign of appreciation for the Royal family.

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Item number TV.02.06.003
Country Netherlands
Tulip Vase Flowers Poceleyne FlesTulip Vase Flowers Poceleyne Fles
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