Tulip vase pyramid white

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  1. Description
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The icon of Delft earthenware is still the ‘vase with touts’. The vase was meant to be filled with a variety of flowers, not just tulips as the popular name ‘tulip vase’ does suspect. Since 1685 this bowl shaped model with a loose lid has been produced in Delft. The flowers that filled the vases in this period were sought after collectors’ items, just as the blue and white earthenware itself.

120 cm, white.

Delivery: two to four weeks.


Iconic pieces in one colour only: During the 17th century the tulip was a exclusive and expensive flower. By means of these tulip vases wealthy people could show their prosperity. The tulip vase was a status symbol. Though the tulip nowadays is seen as ‘typical Dutch’, it is in fact an Asian product. Persians and Turks cultivated the bulbs and it was not before 1560 that they were gradually introduced in Western Europe. They found their way to gardens of scholars, bankers and courtiers through diplomats and merchants. Late sixteenth century the tulip became increasingly popular in The Netherlands and turned into a frequently demanded product, often used for decoration. Trade and speculation followed, which finally reached a climax in the so called ‘tulip fever’.    

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Item number 70123500
Country Netherlands
Tulip vase pyramid whiteTulip vase pyramid white
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